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"Consent Disclosure" for Survey

Purpose of the Study
This survey is to find out the general knowledge that our communities have in regard to Mong history and heritage. [Daim survey no yog tsim lug nrhav paub txog peb cov zejzog kev thoobtswb txug Mong lishim-keebkwm caajceg.]

Potential Risks and Discomforts
In this survey, the potential risks can be discomfort and emotion due to the nature of the questions. [Huv dlaim survey nua, cov lus noog tejzag yuav ua rua tsis xis siab hab nyaav xeeb.]

Potential Benefits
The potential benefits of participating in the survey are increased knowledge of Mong history and raised new awareness of who we are as Mong people. Those who participate in this study may have a better understanding and experience and increase their overall sense of well-being.[Kev paab txhawb rua cov koomtsum yuav ua rua muaj thoobtswb txug Mong lishim-keebkwm thiab xeev txog Mong yog leej twg. Cov koom tsum nrug qhov kawm-xyum nua yuav ua rua mej thoobtswb thiab muaj kev haumxeeb txhawb sab moog rua kev thaj yeeb.]

After providing some general information, you will answer ten questionnaires.[Tom qab qha txug ibpaab xyeem xyim, koj yuav teb kaum qhob lus noog.]

No names or contact information will be disclosed when discussing or reporting data. Your answers are confidential.[Npe hab npawb xyuvtooj/email yuav tsis pub qha thaum thaam txug cov survey nua. Koj cov lus teb yuav tsis pub tshaaj rua shaab nrau paub txug.]

Voluntary Participation and Authorization
Your decision to participate in this study is entirely voluntary. If you decide not to participate, you are more than welcome to stop at any time.[Koj xaiv los koomtsum txhawb qhov kawm-xyum nua tsis muaj leejtwg quab yuam. Yog koj tsis xaav koomtsum, caw koj tsum thaum twg los tau.]

To take the ONLINE survey, you must have a Google account. CLICK HERE to continue .

To manually take the survey, DOWNLOAD THE SURVEY FORM. Once completed, you can scan/take a photo & email it to .

© 2022 Mong Heritage