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The Mong savior is "Faajtim Huabtais." He is also the Mong's prominent ancestor. When someone leaves this world behind, Mong directs the soul to find Faajtim to reincarnate as Faajtim Huabtais. Mong stays close to Faajtim both in the hearts and minds. When Mong is in need, we call upon ancestors Faajtim and Tuam TswbTshoj. Faajtim was a shaman and medicine physician (aka Shiyig Neeb).

Mong believes in heaven and Earth and that God is the Universe. God is the one holding everything in this Universe together. The Mong Mountain and metropolis are considered safe heavenly cities (Jingcheng), which is translate into "heaven". We also worship our ancestors and call upon them to feast with us during special occasions.

Mong perceives the mother Sun, the father Moon, and the planet earth (Mong Mountain) as sacred symbols of our lives. Others' intepretation as the ( Blue Sky Universe) Heavenly father and mother earth. Excavation of artifacts around the Mong Mountain of northern Shandong shows that the symbol Mong was carved onto ancient vases in Eastern Mong region. Writing characters also represent the Mong name with the Sun, Moon, and a type of vessel/mound. According to one legend, the Mong Mountain was perceived as a portal to other planets and stars, especially the Sun.


Before the existence of Abraham and his people, Mong had already existed in Northern Asia [and possibly Central Asia]. Evidence states that Mong practiced Tengri (aka Shamanism), worshipped God, and had a mountain ritual. Mong was recorded as Xia [Mong] and Xiongnu in literatures. Mong, the Alliance of the Yellow River Basin and northern plain, fought the San Miao who worshipped snakes and practiced demonic beast masks.

Creation of the Mong: According to one of the Mong mythologies, God [created] sent Nkauj-ab and Nraug-oo to this planet. They were situated in a region [garden] of lushes with greens and fruit trees. The two enjoyed companionship as they occupied the garden of life without knowing that the reptilian species had already taken refuge on Earth. God created Snakes, but they turned against God and had been enemies.



Living without fear, Nraug-oo often bathed at a spring where he met the Snake-lady (who had shape-shifted into human form). Nraug-oo was intrigued by the Snake-lady. Without telling Nkauj-ab, he continued to meet the Snake-lady (Nkauj Naab Ntsuab). She seduced him, and they mated.

Later, Nraug-oo told Nkauj-ab that there's another lady who claimed that God has sent her to be his second wife. By that time Nkauj-ab was near to giving birth to their first Child. She told Nraug-oo that she thought they were soulmates. With doubts in his mind, Nraug-oo then followed the Snake-lady to her den and saw that she was a snake guarding her eggs. In shock, Nraug-oo came back.

Nkauj-ab gave birth to their first son, named "Tswv Xeeb (Xeeb Tswv Meem)". Nraug-oo could not stop thinking about the Snake-lady. He decided to talk to her and disclosed that he already have his first son Tswv Xeeb. Snake-lady wasn't happy to hear the news. She wanted her children to be the ruler(s) of the planet Earth. They could not agree, and the Snake-lady became very angry. So, Nraug-oo decided to leave. As he left the den, the Snake-lady caught up and bit him by the wrist.

Nraug-oo arrived at his place, but he was dying. Nkauj-ab remembered being taught that the only thing that could save their lives was the opium flower. She quickly cut one and gave it to Nraug-oo to consume. Unfortunately, it got stuck in his throat, and he couldn't digest the opium. Therefore, Nraug-oo died. Nkauj-ab cried for days and nights, creating the oceans.

When the Snake (Nraug-nab-lab) returned and found out that his wife had cheated and gave birth to some strange mixed babies (snake bodies with human upper features), he wanted to kill them. However, Snake's wife able to calm down her husband by telling him that the children are entitled to the throne and they would raise them to take it away from God. The mixed-baby snakes were spared and they became the enemies to Nkauj-ab's descendants, the Mong nation.

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