MONG Welcome to Mong Heritage HERITAGE    


Since Mong were classified with others into Tu, Mongolians, Dau'er, Han, Miao, and others between 1949 and 1964, historical literatures under those names were created separately for our people. For examples, after John Langdon Down coined the northern Mong into Mongol (Mongoloid) for being retards (Down Syndrome behavior), the northern Mong history was defined into "Mongol" and translates into Mongolian history. Others discriminate against our name and defined Mong into Down syndrome. The situation just didn't instill discrimination and segregation within the Mong communities, it degrades our name. Our people and children became victims of offensive ridicule, and our name are being censored on Google and other social media platforms. Our children are ashamed to be called Mong and rather go by other ethnicities.

Due to nationalism, most who spoke the national language (Mandarin) were defined into Han. Ancient histories of various kingdoms, Mong and others as well as Han were translated into "Chinese history" for being only Han history. A common belief of origin was then formulated to reinforce the coherence of the newly defined majority Han since the 20th century.

Current Miao literatures were created based on Nanman and Baiyue history for the Miaozu in China since the late 20th century, and then further defined as history for those of Southeast Asia and the west. Scholars, writers, and missionaries went along as they taught about our people. On the other hand, the term "Hmong" was created during the 1950s and defined into Nanman and Miao origin. This created multiple level of confusions about who we are, and did not help to preserve but to convert a part of our people into Miao Nanman. This type of redefinition and misconception also glorifies Miao-Man heritage for the Mong under different terms. The world is now accepting the terms "Hmong" and "Miao" to be the same(苗族) as a subgroup of the Nanman & Baiyue; and that they have the same culture and ancestor. Recently, others are trying to define "Mong" into Miao as well.

Our children need to understand that Mong (蒙/盟)has distinct history from Miao (苗) because Miao is Manyi, Nanman Baiyue of San Miao people. This misclassification of 苗 (Miao) has to be corrected, and we have to embrace Mong history and heritage so our children can be educated with the right information.

Mong are not the Miao nor Dai nor Zhuang nor Naxi nor Yi of the Nanman Baiyue (San Miao origin). The truth is that a part of Mong was grouped with the Nanman Baiyue and others to form these newer national [ethnic] names. Miao Nanman Baiyue San Miao heritage is preserved for the "Hmong", but Mong heritage was denied. Despite all the writings that classified a part of our people with Nanman into Miaozu, a Mong writer Tong Thao wrote in 1971 that "Hmong" was part of the "Mongol" government. Mong lost control of their ruling to the Ming people.

Splitting up the Mong into various groups really disintegrate the Mong heritage and history. Whether this is a cultural suppression or not, but denying "MONG" existence is an ethnic suppression. Mong identity and history needs to be included in the educational curriculum and be recognized to restore the Mong humanity.


When Mong elders spoke of migrating into "Mab" and "Shuav" regional areas, Mong migrated into Chu Man (Nanman) and Shu regions. And when they stated that Mong left "Shuav teb" to Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand, they left Shu regional area (蜀地区) into Southeast Asia. However, 180 years after they exited Qing country and as time had passed, many began to reference the current country China as "Shuav Teb" (蜀地区). This is partially correct but incorrect for making China into Shu Country (Shuav teb). Mong left "Shuav teb" into Southeast Asia was from Shu regional area; and Shu region is now part of China. "Shuav Teb Chaws" (蜀地区) is the southwest that includes Sichuan, Guizhou, and Yunnan.

Calling China into "Shuav Teb" is mistaken. China is "TsoobKuj" (中国; Zhong Hua Ren Min Kong He Guo (中华人民共和国). Zhong Guo (TsoobKuj) was a general term referring to the central region from the Yellow River to the Yangtze River. Now, Zhong Guo is a short saying for China (中华人民共和国), and often interpreted as being the central kingdom. "Mab Teb Chaws" was Nanman (Naj Mab) of Chu Man region which is present-day Hubei-Hunan-Anhui-Jiangxi. "Cobtsib" was the southeastern region which is of present-day Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi. It is part of the Bai Yue that runs into Chu Man region. Yue was known to be Manyi as well (meaning MaabYiv). When Mong elders stated that their ancestors migrated into Mab & Shuav teb chaws, they spoke of these three southern regions.

Since the Southern Man, Yi, Baiyue, Bai Pu also migrated into the Southwest, people of Guizhou-Guangxi-Yunnan were also known as Nanman, Manyi, Yi, Baiyue, Western Yi (Xi Yue). They were the aboriginals of NanMan BaiYue people, and were associated with the name Miao since ancient time.

Mong regions and people were known to be at the Yellow River Basin and to the north. They did not migrated into the south of "Mab tebchaws" and "Shuav tebchaws" during the fall of Jiuli kingdom. Those regional names did not exist until later periods after the San Miao kingdom became Jing Man, Bai Pu, and others; then became Shu, Chu Man, Nanman, and Baiyue.

Mong elders taugh that Mong left Tuam Tshoj into Xov Tshoj (Da Chao to Song Chao). Many also confused the Mong country "Tuam Tshoj" as present-day China and "Xov Tshoj" as Vietnam (Cob Tsib [Jiao Zhi]). "Cob Tsib" used to be the Yue region of present-day Southeastern China. Both "Cob Tsib" and "Maab Teb Chaws" became [Southern] Song Chao (XovTshoj). Later, a part of the Yue people broke away and became independent, now Vietnam. So, many then referenced Vietnam as "Cob Tsib". When Mong elders spoke of Xov Tshoj (Song Chao), they originally referred to South-Eastern region of China which was the [Bai] Yue region ("Cob Tsib") and Chu region (Maab Tebchaws).

So far, the country that was known as TuamTshoj (大朝) was during the time Tiemuzhen came into power. XovTshoj (南/北 宋朝) also existed during that period. Others argued that TuamTshoj as a country name began earlier since the time of A'Baoji (Cathay/Khitay, the Mong Qidan), but there has not been any surfaced literature or artifact to support it yet. Anyone has any information, you may let us know.

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